Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A day in the life of a commuting female student in Delhi

Delhi or at least women in Delhi have  reached the tipping point of dealing with patriarchy and its resulting barbaric attitudes towards women. I do not live in New Delhi anymore but a few days ago I had a very vivid nightmare about walking through a stretch of land in a salwar kameez and feeling immense panic as I try to avoid the leers from Indian men. The events of the past couple of months have rattled my head and  I cannot begin to imagine how the women currently living in New Delhi must feel.

I spent a year in Delhi University in 1998-99 in one of the women-only colleges. The trek to the bus stop was a good 10 minute walk through a barren stretch of road. All the girls in the college were advised to walk in groups to ensure safety in numbers. I remember a few instances when I walked to the bus-stop by myself, sprinting to make it there so that I am not alone on that ominously empty road for too long. 

What do you get when you reach the bus stop?  - leers from the men on that continue even when you board the bus. If the bus is crowded, you would have to patiently wait (in Delhi heat) for the next less-crowded one because entering a crowded bus will most certainly subject you to molestation by some of the men on the bus. Also, you know how everyone tells you to cover up when you are on the bus? Trust me, it does not make a difference, you could be clothed in a burkha and you will still get molested. Eventually after a few months of this crap, a few of us got together to carpool or share an auto-rickshaw. Unfortunately, not all women have the choice to stop taking the bus.

Sadly, the scenario I have described is a mild version of the commute that a lot of women in Delhi had to deal with 14 years ago. What are the women in Delhi going though today, every single day?

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I have been meaning to write on this topic for quite a while. However, while I compose my thoughts, here is a great article that was published in The New York Times today:

The Blessings of Atheism

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013! New Year and a re-vamped blog to write about anything I want!